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Assess a grouping of data for criteria

8 - Asteroid

Hello Alteryx Community,


I am hoping to create a formula to assess a grouping of data for multiple criteria. I have used the tile tool to make the groupings, but now, need a way to write, "For each grouping, assess if a row in grouping has an "S" and is an "Asset" while having another row in the grouping that is a "H" and is an expense. If criteria is met for the grouping = True, if not = False."


I attached both sample data and expected output.


Thank you all in advanced for your help and time.


- Jonathan

11 - Bolide



I would create a flag for the 2 conditions. I used 1 for 'Asset' and 'S', -1 for 'Expense' and 'H', and 0 for everything else. Then you can use a summarize tool to group by tile_num taking the max flag and min flag. If the max is 1 and the min is -1 then you have a success. Simply Joining this back to the data gives the desired result. Example workflow attached.




7 - Meteor

Hi @shertokj


Here I attached my solution,I use multi-row formula tool to create condition.Hope this will help you.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you for your very prompt reply. Unfortunately, I am running Alteryx 10.5 and cannot open your example. Can you use an older file format or take screenshots? Thank you!

11 - Bolide

Below is the workflow itself:


shertokj Workflow Image.PNG


Here is the first formula tool:

shertokj first formula.PNG

and Second formula:

shertokj second formula.PNG


Hope this makes sense,



7 - Meteor

Hi @shertokj


Here I attached the screenshot of my workflow.




Hope you can understand my workflow.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Nurul and thank you for posting a screenshot of your flow. I believe we are missing one element in the multi-row formula because if a Tile has multiple sequences and there are both True and False situations within, it will always return a false negative. Is there anyway we can build in the multi-row formula to search all sequences in a tile for both scenarios "True" and if so, make the whole tile 'True'?


Thank you



11 - Bolide



Did you ever look back at my solution? It should solve the problem.



8 - Asteroid

@MSalvage, yes, I looked at your solution and it worked. I just liked how the other utilized less tools. But yours definitely worked.


I appreciate your solution!
