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App Where User Downloads Template Files

5 - Atom

Hi! I am looking to create two apps- one where a user can download one or more Excel Template files via Alteryx Online Gallery, and another where the same user can upload their amended files back into the Alteryx server via the Gallery again. Are there any sample workflows for these operation, or a way to combine these processes into one app? Thank you in advance for your help!

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

There are many ways to go about this, I think it would be best to keep the processes separate, but you can use chained apps to call the into one another. 


The first process allows the user to select a template file that exists on the server env and download it. There are more dynamic ways to handle this, but without knowing your setup this should work. 

Add the list of templates to a drop down, the data prior to the : will be displayed in the interface, the data after will be passed into the workflow. This way you can update an output tool to use that filepath and download your template. xlsx files will require you to also add sheet information.




The base to the second workflow is a simple file browse and load. I assume you would want to put in a Formula tool to give the loaded file a specific folder location or name, or you could include a Text Box for the user to dictate this.




I recommend getting something simple started and improve the dynamics as you go :)

Happy Alteryxing



5 - Atom

Thank you so much for your help! One quick question- would this workflow also work with the SharePoint Files Input and SharePoint Files Output connector?
