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Analytic App with dependent dropdowns from database

8 - Asteroid


I have a table in a sql db which needs a series of filters for users , the filters are from most general to specific.

So for the first drop down I connected to the db and then did a crosstab+recordID to feed the first drop down,

Now I need the next filter to be from all the records that are from the first filter , then the second and third and so on,

seems like it should be simple but I cant get it to work:

e.g. first drop down is a list of states

second is a list of cities within those states

third is a list of stores within those cities and 

lastly list of employees in that store

I need to run this on the Alteryx gallery


any help is appreciated.



14 - Magnetar

Hi, have you tried building a chained app? 

8 - Asteroid

I tried a chained app;

e.g. First get the state list and then get the data set thats filtered to that value that is chosen.

next app starts with that data set created in the first step and has a filter on the next field city

here is where it breaks down, how do i get the list of cities to populate the drop down.

Im looking for a simple example and not finding one

17 - Castor

@mithily, as you said that the state part of the workflow is working therefore I will share a sample of the city filter part.


Step1: I created a workflow that uses State Filter to get the list of cities and store it as yxdb file. 



Step 2: It redirects to another chained app which will include cities filter to get the end result.





Sharing the workflow with you so that you can go through it once.

In case you have any issues feel free to reach out to me.



Sapna Gupta
8 - Asteroid

Thanks Sapna, you gave me the idea to write to a file and then use that as a source. I am making progress and thanks so much

17 - Castor

@mithily, happy to help! 😊

Sapna Gupta