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Amateur User Solution Idea Request

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


There is probably a very simple solution to this but I have been pondering/experimenting for a few hours and can't seem to come up with anything so I figured I would reach out and see what you guys think.


Below is the Excel version of my process. The far left table is what my source data looks like (Module on the left with module owner's initials below). My finished product before transposing and matching names to initials etc. is shown on the right (an aggregated, period delimited, collection of all modules & corresponding owners that had a number above their module).


High level what tools would you guys recommend to do the following

1. Check each module cell 1-6 for a number (highlighted green). If there is it needs to grab the module letters (AP, Module #1-6, and permission level 0,3,4 etc.)

2. Text join to aggregate all the results into one.


Only solution I could think of would be adding 6 formula tools to search each column. I attached the file in case anyone is feeling generous enough to actually build something. All thoughts and ideas are welcome! Thank you so much!




13 - Pulsar

Hi @alexcellings 


If all you are wanting is the final concatenated results, the attached workflow will work for you. 




You can make adjustments to fit your needs and make the inputs more dynamic, but this will give you the desired output. 


If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know!




7 - Meteor

Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to put that together. For some reason I am getting an error that says it was created on a new version of alteryx. I am on and it doesnt show any updates available for me. I'll keep trying to open it though and trouble shoot. Thanks again!


13 - Pulsar

Hey @alexcellings 


I'm running 2020.3.4.30228, but you should still be able to open the file. If you're still having trouble, you can update to the latest version of Alteryx here:!account




7 - Meteor

Took a while to update to latest alteryx but man your workflow is awesome! I never would have thought of transposing before filtering/re-joining the data. I swear that is half the battle with learning Alteryx is thinking outside the box. Thanks a lot!

7 - Meteor

Hey Maskell,


No pressure to respond at all as I am sure you are busy helping others but I may have messed up by making all of the module owners initials the same in my "example" spreadsheet. Obviously I can't provide the real source document but in the original, all of the module owners are different so the join function based on "name" (1-6) does not work.


Any thoughts/ideas on this? I promise I tried to resolve it myself before reaching out again and I completely understand if you are too busy to help again.


Thanks so much!

13 - Pulsar

Hey @alexcellings 


Sorry for the delay in response, I had meetings this morning. See the attached workflow for working with differing module owners. We just need to add in a a couple RecordID tools after the Filter and then Join by RecordID before the Formula and concatenate. 




If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know!




7 - Meteor

Absolutely no need to apologize! This is a long term project and not time sensitive in anyway. You have been tremendously helpful! I am happy to say that I at least had the record ID tool on my canvas at the time of your message but hadn't quite figured out the placement of it. 


Can't thank you enough man!
