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Alteryx workflow with SAP Read Tools migration to Gallery

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Everyone,


Let's deep dive into the problem straight forward. So, in my workflow I've used SAP Logon and SAP Table Data tool to connect SAP source system to fetch the data and dump it into some excel file. In SAP logon tool I've select the environment (PRD1) and credential I establish the connection and then using SAP Table Data I select the table name. Now the problem is when I'm creating these workflows in designer and executing it, it's working fine but when I'm trying to save the workflow in Gallery it's throwing error i.e. "There were errors validating your workflow. This may cause issues when running in the Gallery. Unable to find Credentials for server [PRD1]" (PRD1 is my production server name)


Please note: The credential which I use to connect the PRD1 server from alteryx is different with the Gallery account credentials. 


Any lead would be highly appreciated.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello @swapnilbera 

Can you please provide some additional information? If possible, please include a copy of your workflow, and screenshots of the error messages so that the Community can better troubleshoot the issues you are facing.


Community Moderator
8 - Asteroid

@swapnilbera - This query relates to the DVW Alteryx Connector for SAP. Please contact our team at and a member of the team will assist you.



Darron Walton

DVW Analytics

7 - Meteor

Was the error resolved? I have the same issue.

7 - Meteor

@BrunoPER  - Please contact our team at and a member of the team will assist you.
