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Alteryx and Andaconda


Hello all,


I am new-ish to Alteryx and have been using it mostly for some prep and blend for about 6 months now.  My team has partnered with some data scientist, so we are now trying to figure out how to import a Jupyter Notebook that has already been developed and use it in Alteryx.  Nothing is going very easy.


I have been following this article:


I tried to install Python as described in one of the first steps but was not able to as I need admin permissions to install that program on my work computer.  As an alternative, I was able to install Anaconda and I was able to open up the Jupyter notebook that way.


I am getting to Step 4 and cannot seem to find a way past this step:  “Click the Browse button next to the "Notebook" field and paste the notebook's directory name (saved previously) into the navigation bar and press "Enter":”


The browse button never shows up.  I continue to get a message from the Python tool that says the Jupyter Notebook is loading and can never get past that point.


Can you help?


Thank you,



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @ScottC1971,

Why not just use the python tool? Are you setting up these environments to separate development areas?


@IraWatt , I appreciate your response.  I am trying to use the Python Tool but I guess I am not using it correctly which is what I am trying to understand.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@ScottC1971 sorry I misunderstood your requirements yesterday. After looking around I think you have two options.


Option one is to use the python tool like this:

Option One.gif

Essentially you should be able to import any Jupyter notebook .ipynb file this way. 


Option two is to use the Jupyter flow tool which is the one in your guide, to install it go to here: Jupyter Flow - Alteryx Community. Then you should see the brows button:


This option allows you to link to any custom environment you have already setup though this will only be necessary if you need separate environments for your notebooks. 


@IraWatt,  I appreciate such a detail response and your efforts to help!


I took at look at your post.  I am not getting any of the options you are suggesting with option #1.  All I see is this:




As far as opition #2 goes, that was where I was trying to go when I started reaching out for help.


Open to suggestions.


Thank you,



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@ScottC1971 the python tool should work out of the box. I would open a support case with Alteryx here Support - Alteryx Community
