Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx Designer - Dream Update - AI Chatbot

11 - Bolide

How far is this scenario?


OK! here are 20 unstructured excel files. I need to clean the data, stack it and prepare a flat file.


Open Alteryx Designer.


Input files.


Type instructions / prompts for Alteryx Designer AI Chatbot. This Chatbot prepares the complex Alteryx workflow on its own leveraging my instructions.


Output ready.


I will validate the output.


Finally, I am able to automate the automating process :)


Can anybody from Alteryx team confirm if Alteryx is building its AI Chatbot ?


13 - Pulsar

Hi @Hammad_Rashid , Alteryx's cloud offering includes AiDIN, a suite of AI functionality including generative AI. Currently this is not an automatic natural language workflow builder though, and with some good reasons. Creating complex workflows requires lots of contextual knowledge about the data and the required process. Unless very familiar (highly trained) with relevant context, a generative AI will struggle with such specialised requirements. A more likely next step for AiDIN will be a co-pilot style Gen AI - helping with individual steps, tips and questions - rather than a full workflow builder.
