Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Adopt the same colors and row format from Input

7 - Meteor

Hi Guys,

Is there a way to copy the same colors and the format of the rows (such as in Picture 1 in the attachment) 1:1? If i just insert it, Picture 2 comes out. Maybe with a tool or something? I couldn't find anything on the web, i'm sorry. Thanks in advance! 

Best regards,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

In the Output Data tool options, you have the ability to “Preserve Formatting on Overwrite”. All that’s needed is a specified range!

7 - Meteor

I did, but the result is the same

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You’ll have to give more information then about your configuration as it works fine for me! Remember if the original run removed the formatting, you’ll have to put it back

7 - Meteor

I also specified the range, but the result is, as i said, the same (see attachment). I just want to "reproduce" the excel file 1:1 as i inserted it. Including color and formatting. 

8 - Asteroid

The quickest/dirtiest way to accomplish what you want is to copy/paste the formatting from the input to your output just in excel once. Then in your output tool, add "$A1:$ZZ10000000" (or any other similarly large range, doesn't need to be exact to your data set). Make sure the box is checked for "Preserve formatting on Overwrite".


There are a couple other ways to do formatting by using Alteryx. The Table Tool (would not recommend here) and the Blob Tool (would maybe recommend) but those would take a lot longer to explain.
