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Adding Company Seal to Render PDF Report

7 - Meteor

Dear Team,


I need to add the hollowed official seal to the PDF in two fixed positions (the position of the company name and the date), how can I do it?


Thanks in advance~



17 - Castor

@EG_GBM before rendering your output, you can bring all of your reporting snippets together with something like a Join Multiple tool and then set the order of their appearance in a Layout tool (or multiple, if you need to nest these). Before the final render you can also add Header and Footer tools which allow you to add the date, a header image and copyright details etc which sounds like what you're looking for?




The header and footer will naturally go at the top/bottom respectively, with the contents of your layout in between. Hope this helps but if you have more of a specific request then please provide some information - screenshots or a work in progress workflow with what you've tried so far would be ideal.

7 - Meteor

Thank you for your quick response~ I'm doing an employment certificate case, which have two parts in content:Chinese language and English language. And I need to superimpose the variable company seal (different companies, different official seals) on the two positions of the company's name and date



The picture you see is that I used the ovelay tool in the workflow, but it can't adjust the position of the official seal.EG_GBM_2-1665653797287.png


17 - Castor

@EG_GBM are the 2 images the same dimensions etc, with the seal/date in the same place in both? Which position in the Overlay grid do you have the second image in?




Could also try adjusting the padding to help line it up as well?

7 - Meteor

You are awesome~
