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2018 workflow is freezing app in 2020.4

9 - Comet

Hi Guys,


Have recently upgraded to 2020.4 and am trying to open an older workflow (maybe 2 years old) and it's freezing the application on open. I've run this routine several times almsot every week for the last 2 years without issue, so dont know why I'm getting this now. Other workflows within the same group seem fine.


I am wondering if its the upgrade to 2020.4 as this has thrown me all sorts of curve balls this week, and I have been able to open and run it successfully on another machine running 2019.3.


It starts to open, and the workflow appears on the canvas, but with the spinning wheel of death and the Alteryx designer version and picture pop up doesnt clear. When clicking on the workflow to try and action something, the whole application window whites out, and then just hand until I **bleep** the app down.


The issue happens both when I open the workflow within an open alteryx application and when I open to initiate it.


Anyone experiencing the same or able to help troubleshoot.


thnx in advance




Hi @warrencowan 


Can you send an email with this detail over to so that they can get this logged and investigate? Are there any tools/configurations out of the ordinary that might set this workflow apart from the other workflows in the same group? 

9 - Comet

thanks @BrandonB I will log a case.


There's nothing particulalrly fancy in it unfortunately, just lots of regular tools and config, so not sure if there's smoking gun there.


I have gone back to the other machine running 2019.3 and saved another version from the working file, and it looks like the machine running 2020.4 can now open it without issue. Not sure if its been corrupted by the update or something else since. I'll see if it runs at least, and let you know.


Yep that's definitely something that would be good to see the root cause behind what happened. Maybe you can provide both versions of the workflow to support (working and non working) and see if maybe there is some hint in the underlying XML. My approach would be to look at them both in notepad or a text editor side by side and see if anything looks funky. 

9 - Comet

hi @BrandonB Im reviivng this thread unfortunately as the issue has resurfaced again on the working version I copied across from the older macine runnign 2020.3.


Any suggestions?
