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Alteryx Community Resources

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Elevate Yourself to Superstar Status with Ranks & Badges

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

If you’re an Alteryx user, we already know you’re a star – but badges and ranks are how we let the rest of the Alteryx universe know that you’re a star! So whether you’re just joining the Alteryx Community, or you’re a seasoned member, read on to learn how you can build your reputation as you participate in the community.  



User ranks incentivize participation, reward quality, and establish reputation in the community. They are a progressive linear system, so instead of being rewarded with a single rank for completing a task, your cumulative community activity moves you along the ranking structure. The higher your rank, the greater your involvement in the community, and the more likely it is that fellow members will look to you as an expert. 


01 Dark Matter 07 Meteor 13 Pulsar 19 Altair


08 Asteroid 14 Magnetar 20 Arcturus
03 Proton 09 Comet 15 Aurora 21 Polaris
04 Baryon 10 Fireball 16 Nebula 22 Nova
05 Atom 11 Bolide 17 Castor 23 Supernova
06 Meteoroid 12 Quasar 18 Pollux 24 Hypernova


Your rank appears under your username and provides a quick snapshot of your community engagement level. You’ll notice all the ranks are space-themed since Alteryx Community members are out of this world!


Screen Shot 2023-11-17 at 8.58.45 AM.png


As you rise through the ranks, you’ll unlock new community functionality! What to expect when you reach… 

  • Matter - you’ll be able to use the Community’s private message tool 
  • Meteoroid - you can @mention fellow community members  

Assigned Ranks 

Assigned ranks sit outside of the earned ranks structure and are given to community members to distinguish who they are in relationship to Alteryx. Some examples of assigned ranks are Alteryx Employee, Partner, Alum, or Moderator.  



Badges are akin to an achievement pin or ribbon and are awarded for specific actions within the Alteryx Community.  These can be as simple as participating in a specific event, certification, or engaging in discussion forums. To earn a badge, you must meet a unique set of requirements. There are four types of badges in the community: series, certification, educational, and side-quest. 


Series badges 

Series badges are earned through community engagement - replying to threads, receiving likes on your posts, starting new discussions, or when one of your posts is accepted as a solution. Below are all of the series badges and the totals needed to earn them.   


Replies Likes Accepted Solutions Discussions Started
First Reply First Like First Solution First Discussion

5 replies

5 likes 5 solutions 5 discussions

10 replies

10 likes 10 solutions 10 discussions

25 replies

25 likes 25 solutions  25 discussions

50 replies

50 likes 50 solutions 50 discussions

100 replies

100 likes 100 solutions  100 discussions

250 replies

250 likes 200 solutions 200 discussions

500 replies

500 likes 350 solutions 350 discussions

750 replies

1000 likes 500 solutions  

1000 replies

1500 replies      


Certification Badges 

After passing any of the Alteryx Certifications, you’ll be able to showcase your expertise with its respective badge. Certification badges are extra special because they are awarded via Credly and enable you to share your achievement with your network at-large. 


Educational Badges 

Educational badges are awarded for completing skill-building activities or certifications. These badges are great if you’re looking to increase your Alteryx knowledge as well as build your resume! There’s two main categories of educational badges:


  • Onboarding Badges - These are product-specific learning tracks geared toward people just getting started with Alteryx. Complete the onboarding requirements in MyAlteryx to earn them! 
  • Weekly Challenges – For every 25 challenges you complete, you’ll be rewarded with a shiny new badge!  

Side-quest Badges  

Side-quest Badges recognize people for taking a specific action and are not part of a progression. Some examples of these badges are: 

  • Podcast Guest Badges 
  • Inspire Attendees Badges  
  • Special event badges like contests, program participation, etc. 
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Useful guide! The Side-quest badges are the best :p 


The design game of Alteryx Community is always top tier. Kudos team!!