Join the Alteryx Community’s Maveryx Summer Cup event! Compete, network with others, and earn your gold through a series of challenges from July 24th to August 11th. Learn more about the event here.


Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The Alteryx Designer 2019.3 release dropped today, and many of the new features were your idea...




In the Browse tool configuration window, add 'Sum' to the metadata for numeric fields
Drag and drop folder from Windows Explorer to create Directory Input
Windows Taskbar to show workflow running progress
Convert to Dynamic Input
[Enhancement Request] Convert Input to Dynamic
Which version of macro is in use?
Show completed in overview
Calgary Annotation
User Control Over Workflow Completion Sound
Volume Control in Alteryx
Remove Workflow Completion Sound
"Map Legend Builder" Tooltip contains grammatical mistake 
Double Click in Overview window to zoom to Normal level
Space bar to close workflow finished dialog
Put a border around comment boxes when selected
Tool Containers and Comment Boxes cause Lag
Choose which workflows to save on exit
Convert Browse to Output Data tool
Idea: create "Convert To Macro Output" when clicking Browse tool
Right Click -> Convert Output to Input
Paste Tools on Canvas at Cursor
Paste Into Workflow at Cursor Position
Designer feature suggestion: Duplicate workflow
Copy User Constants
New drag and drop file types
Add a button to reset a tool's annotation text to default
Hyperlink file path after saving with the browse tool
What's Up With Copy/Paste Inside Tool Configurations?
Cached Data
Cache Checkbox - Allow selection of cache with a checkbox embedded
Tool Switch Origin - Remove the 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' extension from tab
Save setting on the Save function on the Browse tool
Add browse tools to multiple selected tools simultaneously



@JPoz implementing ideas at 10x@JPoz implementing ideas at 10x

Neil Ryan
Sr Program Manager, Community Content

Neil Ryan (he/him) is the Sr Manager, Community Content, responsible for the content in the Alteryx Community. He held previous roles at Alteryx including Advanced Analytics Product Manager and Content Engineer, and had prior gigs doing fraud detection analytics consulting and creating actuarial pricing models. Neil's industry experience and technical skills are wide ranging and well suited to drive compelling content tailored for Community members to rank up in their careers.

Neil Ryan (he/him) is the Sr Manager, Community Content, responsible for the content in the Alteryx Community. He held previous roles at Alteryx including Advanced Analytics Product Manager and Content Engineer, and had prior gigs doing fraud detection analytics consulting and creating actuarial pricing models. Neil's industry experience and technical skills are wide ranging and well suited to drive compelling content tailored for Community members to rank up in their careers.
