
Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



At Alteryx, our mission is to empower analysts to get to the answer faster. The Alteryx platform provides users with a code-free and code-friendly workflow that leads to impactful business outcomes. But how do you get there? We know that when you need to learn something, you need to learn it now. We’re here to help you get there faster, so you can get back to solving, and loving your job again.



Never. Stop. Learning.


We live in an amazing time where you can learn almost anything at your own pace via a web browser. Companies have been built, careers have been launched, and passions have been ignited after watching short, instructive video clips on YouTube. The most effective of which share some key attributes:


  • Short
  • Focused
  • Engaging
  • Self-Paced


The ultimate learning environment is one where you are both instructor and pupil, choosing what you learn next and deciding how to apply your new found skills.

We’ve heard from you that this is exactly the way you want to learn Alteryx. We’re more than happy to oblige.



Welcome to the Academy


Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to Alteryx Academy with a full-ride scholarship.


Today we’re excited to offer a sneak peek at a new self-paced learning tool that we’ve designed to help you elevate your usage of Alteryx to the next level in a hurry. It is completely free and available to anyone with an Alteryx Community account.


Key features include interactive learning, progress tracking, quizzes, and more. We can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself! Check it out!



Summer Won’t Last Forever


While you’ve been away on Summer holiday, our instructors have been working hard to design, develop, and deliver an amazing Alteryx learning experience. They just got back into the classroom and are working to get things just right before students return in the Fall and are looking for some eager students to take a look at the lesson plan. This is where you come in.


During the Public Beta period, we’d love to hear your thoughts about our very most beginner/basic content developed to date. Let us know what you like, what could be better, or any ideas you have for the future of Alteryx Academy learning modules. Take the beta feedback survey.


Looking for more content? Don’t worry - we’re only exposing a little bit of what we have in store right now. There will be much more to share in the not-too-distant future. Stay tuned!

Joe Miller
Director, Customer Enablement

Joe is the Learning Strategy Manager at Alteryx. Joe is responsible for managing, creating, distributing, and delivering content with a focus of arming users with a dangerous knowledge of Alteryx.

Joe is the Learning Strategy Manager at Alteryx. Joe is responsible for managing, creating, distributing, and delivering content with a focus of arming users with a dangerous knowledge of Alteryx.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

This is really great work Joe!  Looking forward to hear reaction from customers.  Congrats on the release

11 - Bolide

Love it! This will definitely be one of the resources I share with all new users to alteryx. The other resource which is fantastic is alteryx for excel users.

11 - Bolide

Hey @JoeM


This is great!  I'd love to be able to track the progress of the 15 people from CommSec - is there a way we can report on it?




7 - Meteor

Hi  @JoeM


Tried to run several of these and none of them are launching at all. Is there any special system configuration needed to run these videos?





7 - Meteor

Never mind!  I just figured it out.


6 - Meteoroid

Will this tutorial program expand into more advanced areas of Alteryx as well, besides basic introductory material? This is a good start so far.  Keep up the good work. :)


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@VizChic - Excellent question. That's certainly something we would like to look to in the future!  At the very least, we hope to get individuals the ability to report so they can send to their manager. The next step after that would be looking to your recommendation and evaluating the permissions needed to execute your need. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@johnmatc - That's the goal! It makes sense for us to start at ground level, but we hope to expand to more advanced concepts as we release more and more content.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@adrianloong - Great to hear! We are certainly excited for the next rev!

6 - Meteoroid

@JoeM  When will the next release of tutorial videos happen? Any idea?

5 - Atom

Nice work guys ... i have enjoyed the program so far