The Alteryx Community turned nine this month, and we feel like celebrating! What has our community been up to since last September? We can answer that—with data, of course.
1. Completing Weekly Challenges

Our members completed an unbelievable number of challenges in the past year:
18,323 challenges completed (including cloud quests)
In February, the Academy team released Cloud Quests. These bi-weekly challenges are a fun way to get hands-on experience with our cloud products.
In July, the Community team enhanced the Weekly Challenge page experience! With new features like filtering and progress tracking, it’s easier to find challenges to tackle that will help you meet your learning goals.
2. Attending User Groups

This past year, we had over 3,000 User Group meeting attendees around the globe at 170 meetings! Kudos to the 140+ User Group leaders who made these meetings possible.
We also added some new User Groups—check out the graphic above to see if there’s a group in your area. You can join your local user group here. Don’t see a User Group in your area? Contact if you’re interested in starting one.
Check the calendar here for upcoming events, some of which are virtual or hybrid! Our Community team improved the event calendar and registration process over the past few months so our User Group meetings can deliver even more value.
3. Participating in Events
Advent of Code



Summer Cup

77 Participants
45 Participants |
212 Community Member Speakers
3,034 Participants |
Our Community members showed up for events last year—whether online or in person, it was great to see your excitement!
The top three solvers in our Advent of Code challenge were @gawa, @joshbennett, and @CoG. Our top three point earners in the Maveryx Summer Cup were @Supriya2203, @griffinwelsh, and @karlhansen. Nice work!
Additionally, a big kudos to the 212 Community members who spoke at Inspire! It takes guts and subject matter expertise to present at a conference with over 3,400 attendees.
4. Meeting Our New ACEs

Since our last anniversary, we’ve added 16 new ACEs to the program! You can find their names and Community handles here.
We now have 73 ACEs in total. Two great ways to get to know them are the ACE page bios and the ACE spotlight blog series.
5. Getting Certified
The past 12 months were full of members passing certification exams. Here’s how many of you passed:




861 |
107k+ |
6. Engaging in Discussions
Our discussion boards were full of great conversations spanning across the globe! Here are the stats from the past year:
10k Discussions Started |
5k Marked Solutions |
16k Kudos Given |
At the end of this calendar year, we will announce the Top Contributors for 2024. You can read our past monthly top contributor blogs here.
7. Sharing Knowledge
In the past year, we published 219 blog articles! Our top Engine Works article was 360 Governance with Alteryx by @pmaier1971. We appreciate all our blog authors and can’t wait to read what you write next. |
On the Alter Everything podcast, we heard from 32 community members. We wanted to highlight our episode with @caltang from earlier in the year because he speaks to the joy of helping and connecting with others in the Maveryx community. Check it out here.
Here’s a fun project the Community team delivered earlier in the year—you can see new and important knowledge (like blogs, challenges, podcasts, interactive lessons, and more) inside Alteryx Designer! The revamped & Community-hosted “Start Here” pop-up page is available starting in Designer 24.1.
8. Mentoring Others

Alteryx Mentor Connect, launched in January by SparkED, has already made a significant impact. Here are the stats so far:
196 mentor sessions
651 students
197 mentors
To learn more about how you can get involved as a mentor or mentee, check out this blog. |
9. Celebrating Our Community

For our final metric, we want to celebrate the fact that we have
600k+ Community members!
Share the love by sharing the social asset attached to this blog on LinkedIn along with your personal Community highlight from the past year with #AlteryxCommunity9.
Cheers to another great year!
❤️ The Alteryx Community Team
Special thanks to @AlteryxMatt, @amais_SparkED, @DanM, @FláviaB, @KylieF, @LGonzalez2386, @mikecusic, @NicoleWH, and @SylviaP for their contributions to this blog.