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Finally Starting

6 - Meteoroid

Hi There, 


My name is Yigit and I am pretty new to alteryx platform and data analysis but I thought it could be a good addition to my skill set for my next chapter. I am officially being let go at the end of the month so career change is a must. 


I have two weeks to completer the core program to be able to extend the software and I hope to achieve that. 


looking forward into diving the Alteryx's world. 



9 - Comet

Hi @HurYigit !

Are you in the ADAPT program? What are your learning goals?



7 - Meteor

Hi Yigit! My name is Busra, I just joined last week. Do you speak Turkish?


Data analysis is a hot ticket!! And 2 weeks is not long to pass the cert. I'm sorry to hear you are being let go, good luck in your job search and good luck on the certification!

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @Leeial,


Yes, I am in the ADAPT program. I joined a month ago but I am just starting to dive in. My first goal is to pass the core certification so I can extend the program 🙂 Otherwise, I have really wanted to get in data analysis and now that I have to change jobs, I think it is the perfect time to start. It's a bit overwhelming now but I hope it will get easier down the road. 



6 - Meteoroid

Hello Busra, I joined a month or so ago but I haven't had a chance to start up until now. 


Evet, I speak Turkish 🙂  Sure it is a hot ticket and it will be tough to finish in two weeks - you have to at least finish the core certification in order to stay in the ADAPT program. So I am trying to do that first. Good luck to you too and let's stay in touch since we are both new here..

7 - Meteor

@HurYigit Memnun oldum.


I just passed my core cert today! Let me know if you need any help. I have only been using Alteryx for 12 days now so if I can do it, you can too! I think the weekly challenges were the best way to learn for me. Make sure you check them out and don't feel bad about looking at the solutions, it's a great way to practise.



6 - Meteoroid

Ben de Memnun oldum 🙂 ve tebrik ederim Core sinavini gectigin icin. 


I appreciate your insights about the Core test and the tip for the weekly challenges. I'll reach out if I need any help.

