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Challenge #200: Sudoku Solver

12 - Quasar

Never been good at Sudoku even though I like problem solving. Beginner part was fine and then I replicated @TonyA 's solution for intermediate as I really liked that approach.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

That was insanely fun. It reminded me of an Advent of Code puzzle, but without the crying. The Advanced part was an iterative macro that took 10 iterations to find all the numbers. 


The Intermediate wasn't too bad because all the missing values were in the same square. I just saw which values I needed in each row and each column, and saw where the values were the same. 


For the Advanced Part, I added handling for how each square needs to have the digits 1-9. That allowed me to do a Join Multiple to identify where the Row, Column, and Square each needed the same value. There was a little bit of hand waving to get rid of bad results, and then I looped it back through the macro until everything had a value. 
