St. Louis, MO

Welcome to the St. Louis User Group

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Virtual User Group (Regional Meetings)

11 - Bolide

Hi Everyone! I hope everyone is doing awesome and staying sane during this crazy time in our lives!

Being in an "everything" virtual world right now brings some awesome opportunities to hear and learn from EVERYONE - so there are a bunch of virtual user groups coming up - links/dates below


feel free to join any or all of them 🙂 

  • 4/23 @ 1:00 PM AEST – ANZ Regional
  • 4/28 @ 8:00 AM PDT – Transportation + Logistics
  • 5/7 @ 5:30 PM SGT – APAC Regional
  • 5/8 @ 2:00 PM CDT – NA Central Regional
  • 5/12 @ 12:00 PM EST – Charlotte, NC User Group



6 - Meteoroid

Hey @Nezrin, are you co-coordinating the virtual meet up this week? I'll get some of my team along to support. Looks like the agenda is covered but we have a bunch of use cases the team would be willing to share when you need it. Cheers