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Inspire 2019: Stanley Cup Game 7 Meetup

5 - Atom


To fellow Missourians that are attending Inspire in Nashville and looking for somewhere to watch the Blues game tomorrow night: BJC Healthcare attendees will be watching at Fuse Sports Bar in the hotel. All are welcome to join us!


DM me if you are interested, and we can exchange contacts! 



7 - Meteor
Hey Ryan.

We have a few people here from STL, wanting to watch as well. We were also planning on Fuse. Keep me posted.

Mike Rejniak

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6 - Meteoroid

There's a few of us from Schnucks here and we may join you all at Fuse. LGB!

5 - Atom
I am in from Spectrum Enterprise. I am hoping to make it to Fuse tonight as well to catch the game. Go Blues!!