Hi all!
I have since moved to Hong Kong and would prefer to do in person activities with the HKUG. But since I started with the SGUG, I will need to relinquish my title and pass it on to someone else.
In the mean time, the SG UG is planning for a Q3 Solve session with the SG UG members!
Would you like to see a beginner friendly session or would you prefer something more unique in the terms of sharing?
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Hi Singapore User Group members,
In anticipation of the upcoming second edition of the Weekly Challenge User Group October Takeover, Academy is taking over your User Group board for a moment!
The following are some of the benefits for you and your group through your participation in the October Takeover:
Increased Engagement: Boost interaction and participation within user groups through exciting Weekly Challenges.
Community Building: Strengthen community bonds by encouraging members to collaborate and share their solutions to the challenges.
Visibility and Recognition: Gain exposure and recognition for your user group by showcasing your activities to a broader audience.
Skill Development: Provide members with opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge through practical challenges.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with other user groups, fostering a collaborative environment and exchange of ideas.
It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced user of Designer; what truly matters is your creativity and the great ideas you submit!
Submit your Weekly Challenge idea by September 6. If your idea is selected, it will be published, and you will receive a prize. The author of the best challenge will win the grand prize. Additionally, the authors of Weekly Challenges from the User Group that submits the most challenges for the October Takeover will all receive a special prize from the User Group Program Team!
Please refer to the attached document for submission details, evaluation criteria, and prize information.
Last year’s October Takeover was a great success, and we received many fantastic ideas.
Our four finalists were:
Ippei Nakagawa @gawa: Tokyo User Group; Challenge #391: Which Combinations of Pokémon Types Do Not Exist?
Charity Wilson @Charity_K_Wilson: Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas User Group; Challenge 392: Calculate Climate Extremes
Mya Starling @myastarling: Milwaukee User Group; Challenge 393: Find the Best Yarn
Talia Sanders @tsand22: Indianapolis User Group; Challenge 394: Fantasy Football Team
The big winner was @gawa who received 72 responses within the first week of posting his challenge, and over time, it accumulated around 150 responses. Check out his fantastic challenge for some inspiration!
Please contact us at academy@alteryx.com if you have any questions.
We are excited to review the innovative and creative challenges you submit. Let's make this year's Weekly Challenge User Group October Takeover even more fun and successful than the last!
Happy creating!
Academy Team
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Hi all!
Thank you to those who joined us in our virtual UG meeting on 28th June 2024.
Special thanks to @leofrancia for making the event specifically on his last day to do some Inspire sharing.
Leo did some sharing on Inspire and what the event entails to encourage users to consider it for next year.
Leo also shared the product roadmap and also Server upgrades that are coming later this year and next year. Designee Desktop changes garnered a lot of attention especially with the new add-ons that are much appreciated.
Leo also shared best practices with data engineering and pitching Alteryx as a tool within the Medallion architecture.
Calvin Tang did some sharing on Inspire as well and presented on COE lessons - what should be done at the start of a COE. Calvin covered a wide range of internal tooling and showcased Customer Managed Telemetry, Server Health Check, and also the Data Collection Process related to a COE.
Calvin also did a 10 minute ask me anything about Alteryx and showcased some best practices and tips & tricks related to Alteryx.
One main feedback was that users appreciated the session but some felt that it was too technical and wanted the UG to focus on sharing about Alteryx generally and just solve together.
That will be considered for Q3’s UG accordingly.
I will share the slides later in the comment once time permits. Thanks once again for attending!
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On the day of the event, join here: https://community-alteryx.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lc-upqTojHdelfDH4aSO9ocQycy_M-C0f
Welcome all Alteryx Singapore Users!
Here are the details:
Date: 28th June 2024 (Friday)
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Venue: Virtual
Location: Virtual
The agenda is mainly focused on these areas:
Sharing Post-Inspire 2024
Open Sharing between Users on use cases!
Networking online!
Register on the top right to save your spot!
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Hi all! We plan to host the Singapore User Group for Q2 2024 sometime in late June 2024.
We will be doing this remotely (online) via Zoom / Teams (TBD).
We are looking for people to talk about their Alteryx journey and also to share some tips and tricks with the Singapore User Group!
If you are interested in sharing, a deck will be needed and all you need to do is just reply to this post in order to qualify! We are looking for 3 sharers at minimum for now!
Don't be shy, looking forward to it!
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