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Feedback on Singapore UG Sep2022 and plan for Nov2022!

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Dear all,


Hope that you enjoyed the last Singapore UG meet at ORQ! I certain did!


Firstly, a somewhat belated housekeeping (as I was preparing for vacation), please use the survey link below to give feedback on your experience as well as what you want to see at the next UG:


Secondly, we are now planning for the next one, targeting late-Nov 2022, and hence call for volunteers to present / share use cases. Please drop me a note if you are interested :-)


The tentative agenda for the next UG (~Nov 2022):

- More highlights from Inspire EMEA:

   - How difficult is Expert Exam / Predict Master Exams?

   - (to be updated after I return from the event ^-^)

- Tips and tricks (based on live feedback on the last UG)

- Server / Cloud examples (to be confirmed as we need to arrange with Alteryx team for mock-up environment, since all of us are likely not allowed to access company's confidential server data outside AND share on screen).

- Any volunteers for other topics?


Cheers and look forward to seeing you again!


#Auspicium Melioris Aevi#