Seattle, WA

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Seattle-Eastside AUG Q3 Meeting | App-les and Macros! 2019-09-20 @ 2:30pm (Mercer Island)

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Link to EventBrite for RSVP


Looking for ways to become teacher's pet? Hoping to relive the glory days of winning your 2nd grade spelling bee by showing off a few new tricks at work? Do you want to make your already-incredible Alteryx workflows even MORE dynamic and repeatable??

Come join us at Mercer Island Community Center on Friday 9/20 from 2:30-4:30 for an Apps & Macros themed AUG meeting!


  • Tips & tricks for building excellent apps
  • Overview of the different types of macros
  • A few examples and use cases of apps & macros in action!

** EXTRA CREDIT: If you have a cool app or macro example to share, we'd LOVE to hear from you! Let us know ahead of time and we'll save you spot for show & tell 🙂


And because everyone loves a themed meeting, we'll also have a few apple-y treats for our attendees (apple cider or apple pie, anyone??)


Don't be tardy for this one!! Hope to see you there 🙂
