Expect to see just a few postings from me right before, then right after our quarterly meetings. As such, please take 2 minutes to read and respond. This Alteryx Community has a deep well of expertise.
Overall,it was a relaxed, fun and informative meeting with ten enthusiastic analysts and Alteryx users, which feels like a solid start.
Thank you, @AshwinAbhyankar, for presenting “Analytics to Drive Win-Wins for Corporations and Customers”. Thanks also to attendees for the enthusiasm and ideas.
Our Next Meeting is tentatively Tuesday, January 17, 5:30-7:30pm, KPMG (3rd Tuesday of month)
- Alteryx Skill Levels of attendees: All are welcome. Current we seem to have one+ veterans, many intermediates and a few novices.
- Attendees liked meeting format with mixer in middle. Agreed to self-fund our mixer food ‘n bevs w/ voluntary attendee donations,
- Suggesting $5-10 voluntary. Thank you, people!
- What are your personal goals for attending our events? Comments were…
- Help each other gain product expertise (love it!)
- Gain business perspective on analytics driving decisions & actions, spread product usage in SDC, socialize.
- In-meeting use case presentation for Best Practice [specialty] Analytics w/ Alteryx, not just cookbook steps.
- In-meeting, hands-on use case work w/ requirement, mentors, sample data from community or tutorial.
- What would you like to facilitate? What might you present in 15-25 minutes?
- With our informal group, I encourage each member to present once this year. Once you present on it, you know it!
- Thoughts on Potential topics
- Business Questions We’re Solving with Specific Alteryx Capabilities
- Predictive Fast Prototyping w/ Alteryx (prior to formal study w/ other tool).
- Best Practice Use Case in (pick one: Data Prep, In-Database, Predictive, Spatial, Self-Service Reporting, Analytic Apps, Prescriptive, Behavior Analysis) w/ Alteryx.
- Tips ‘n Tricks
- Where Alteryx fits in the industry.
- Potential alternate meeting venues if KPMG unavailable?
- Upcoming Kaiser facility in Mission Valley could work.
What did I miss? Love to hear a word about your impressions. Thanks again for your enthusiasm and ideas.