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San Diego, CA

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Citizen Data Crunchers in Heaven: 4:15pm 10/17 S.D.User Groups Mtg - Alteryx and Tableau

9 - Comet


To encourage attendance by our local Tableau-using colleagues, many of whom will be in Las Vegas for the Tableau Conference...

we've revised our October schedule...


The San Diego Alteryx User group October Meeting Details 


When: Tuesday, Oct. 17.  Complimentary parking at 4pm, meeting at 4:15 - 6:15pm.

 After parking, take ticket from dispenser.  Parking validation will be provided during meeting.

Where: KPMG, 4747 Executive Drive (5th Floor Learning Center) San Diego, CA 92121


Theme: Citizen Data Crunchers in Heaven -  Alteryx and Tableau

A joint meeting for San Diego's Alteryx and Tableau User Groups



1. How Alteryx Builds on Tableau Strengths, by Daniel Upton

2. Tableau Conference Highlights, by Matt Shoemaker


For notifications of future San Diego Alteryx Group meetings, click here and then in top-right, click ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Sign In’ and ‘Join’.