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Salt Lake City, UT

Welcome to the Salt Lake City User Group

Click in the JOIN GROUP button to follow our news and attend our events!

Meeting this Friday, November 22nd from 2:00pm - 3:30pm MST RSVP Within!

6 - Meteoroid

Hello everyone! 


I'm thrilled to announce that we have finalized a place/time for our first meeting! Please join us (information below)


RSVP Here:


(This will help me get a headcount for refreshments, etc.)

Salt Lake City Alteryx User Group Q4 2019 Meeting

Join the Salt Lake City Alteryx User Group to listen to presentations and connect with local users in the Salt Lake City area! Alteryx User Groups provide an opportunity to network, collaborate, master new skills, and learn from peers in a thought-provoking, encouraging and fun environment.


When: Friday, November 22nd from 2:00pm - 3:30pm MST

Where: University of Utah, Robert H. and Katharine B. Garff Building - Room 2335 (Second Floor)

1731 E Campus Center Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Parking: Parking is available across the street in Parking Lot 12


Welcome & Introductions

Team Competition: Weekly Challenges (Bring your laptops with Alteryx Designer installed)




We look forward to seeing you! Feel free to bring a friend or colleague along, and #learnlocal


-Your Alteryx User Group Leaders

8 - Asteroid

There are a few of us in Idaho for which this is the closest group to us, will there be the ability to join remote?


Thanks for putting this together!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for posting @alexrose13 ! 🙂


Tagging a few folks who might be interested in registering for this Friday's meeting:













6 - Meteoroid

@jroot can you help me get an estimate on the number of folks who'd like to join remotely? 

I'm happy to work toward that (I think the university may be able to help) but giving our short time tables, I don't want to overcommit.

6 - Meteoroid

@jroot it doesn't look like the remote participation angle is going to be an option for this first one (sorry about that!). But i'll work to build that into future plans as best I can!

8 - Asteroid

Thanks for looking into it! At my company there are about 3 of us interested and I think on the original thread there was at least 1-2 others who expressed an interest.

7 - Meteor

Thanks for pulling this together! I won't be able to make it this Friday but I hope to make the next one!



8 - Asteroid

Thanks for putting this together @alexrose13 
unfortunately my schedule doesn’t allow me to attend user group meetings during business hours. Bummed I can’t make this one, but looking forward to joining future sessions!