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Q1 2023 RTP Virtual User Group Meeting

Published on ‎02-09-2023 11:50 AM by 12 - Quasar | Updated on ‎02-15-2023 11:48 AM

Hello everyone!

Our next User Group Meeting is full of exciting topics and you won't want to miss!


Event: Q1 2023 RTP Virtual User Group Meeting


When: Wednesday Feb15th


Time: 4pm - 5:30pm EST


Where: Virtual



4:00 – 4:05  Welcome
4:05 – 4:35  Alteryx Designer Tips and Tricks by Chad Martin with Data Prep U


Data Prep U will combine several best practices and recommendations they’ve learned over the years as consultants and Alteryx associates to cover a range of topics from how to build the most efficient workflows, preserving field order after a Cross Tab, how the Alteryx Engine works, why we don’t recommend the Auto Field tool in production, and more. Please take a moment to open the workflow that has been provided to follow along in Alteryx Designer.


4:50 – 5:00  User-suggested tips and tricks
If you have a particular tip or trick that you use and want to share, please join in the fun!


5:00 – 5:30 Networking/social time online.

Click "Yes" on the top right corner to register and to see the information to join virtually at the day of the event.

If you have not already joined the Research Triangle User Group please join the User Group so you can stay up to date on current and future meetings.

We look forward to seeing you all there. Please spread the word and invite your colleagues!


Sarah Roberts, John Hollingsworth, and Conrad D'Cruz
RTP Alteryx User Group Leadership

Featured Guests
10 - Fireball

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Wed, Feb 15, 2023 01:00 PM PST
Wed, Feb 15, 2023 02:30 PM PST
Labels (1)
8 - Asteroid

do we have the recording as I missed part of it

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @mithily

@Hollingsworth will be posting the recap soon, including the recording. Stay tuned! 

Flávia Brancato
8 - Asteroid

In the meeting someone mentioned having a discount code over the group discount code for the Alteryx Inspire Conference? Can I get the information and how do I communicate with the person?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @mithily! That was me. 


You can use the code FF200 to get your tickets for Inspire 2023 with a discounted price. Hope to see you there! 

Flávia Brancato