Practice Exercise

Learning Path 1: Exercise 1: General

8 - Asteroid


An Input Data tool contains 100 records, each representing a unique customer's transaction information. The Customer ID (a unique identifier for each customer) and Customer Segment provide basic information about the customer. The transactions column represents the average number of transactions that customer has made over the past year.

In this exercise, drop the columns "Weekly Sales" and "Store Volume". Then find the 5 customers with the highest average transactions in the "South" region. Your results window should match the Final State Input Data tool.

5 - Atom

Practice Exercise 1

5 - Atom

Attached please find my finished exercise 1.

5 - Atom

Practice Exercise 1 Solution

5 - Atom

Used select, filter, sort and sample tools to build the output.

5 - Atom


7 - Meteor

Hi Team


I am new to Alteryx and trying to learn about this application through your Learning path, please review my first Practice Test and revert for your feedback on

5 - Atom

Here's my workflow.

5 - Atom

This is my solution to Practice Exercise 1


It took me a second to get it started but once I got it going, I felt good about my decisions in the tools I picked to solve it. 


Let me know if you have any suggestions on how I could've streamlined my process or any tips for the future. Thank you!