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Hello NY User Group --
We are considering including content/activities around the Alteryx Certification program for upcoming user groups, and would like to pose a question to the attendees regarding:
Please feel free to reply with answers to the above in a long or short form style. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
I passed the Designer Core Exam and would love to pass the second exam. Much of my work doesn't involve some of the items on the test. Like Geospatial apps.
I would love to work through some examples with a group.
This is a really great idea! I'm very interested in learning more about the Alteryx Certification program and the questions that are asked. Looking forward to it!
Great idea @b_b
I passed the Core certification, and would be happy to work on practice questions and materials for our AUG to prepare for the exams. I am waiting for my invitation to the next level exam.
Happy to facilitate some learning sessions! I am a corporate educator, and Alteryx is one of the main focuses of my work.
Warmly, Esther
1. Yes I'd like to learn more - is the program recognized/valued by employers?
2. Maybe a handful of the more difficult/advanced problems.
3. I'm core certified and I registered for the Advanced. I'm willing to contribute/discuss!
Hi Seth - Thanks for your input! I believe we have several members who have experience with GIS and other applications of geo; as such, this seems like a good opportunity to keep in mind.
Be well,
Katherine Palmer
Hello -- Thanks for your input and willingness to raise your hand in support as we explore this space. Your background is definitely an asset!
Be well,
Katherine Palmer