If you missed it, our 2019 Q4 meeting was less structured than our usual meetings, leaving plenty of time for commiserating with our data colleagues over cold beverages and snacks provided by Continuus Technologies. Big thanks to Continuus for hosting the event as well as providing the happy hour refreshments!
Thanks go out as well to the two participants of our holiday-themed data challenge. Both Kyle McDaniel @kmcdaniel and Matt Montgomery @mmontgomery completed the challenge and were awarded prizes for their efforts. Matt was in attendance to walk us through his solution, and was joined in discussion by MAUG Co-Leader Jared Grant @jmgrant who created the challenge and corresponding data set (THANKS JARED!) that contained an awesome Easter egg.
Do ya see it?
Don't ever let anyone tell you data nerds are not fun!
John Heisler @_Harbinger_ led a chat on machine learning, showing us how he envisions the relationships between AI, ML, Deep Learning and Data Science as an avocado - one as part of another, in unequal proportions. Lots of good conversation sprung from that!
Big thanks to everyone who joined us for meetings or discussion in 2019. We look forward to continuing to build our community in 2020!
Colleen Hayes, Robert Farley, Troy Vant Hul, John Heisler, Jared Grant & Matt Michaelson
Milwaukee Alteryx User Group Leadership Team
Save the date!
Our Q1 2020 meeting will be held on Thursday, March 19, 2020 at Zurn Industries, 511 W Freshwater Way, Milwaukee
Interested in presenting or hosting?
Please reach out to any member of the MAUG Leadership team if you'd be willing to present on an Alteryx use case or host one of our upcoming meetings.