Long Beach, CA

November Alteryx User Group Leaders Meeting

11 - Bolide

So I attended the AUG leaders meeting this morning, and you just never know where you are going to learn something new. I may be the last one to know about this tool, but in case I'm not I figured I'd let our little group know about it too!


The Test tool is great if you know what you're expecting from your data and want to test for those expectations to be met when processing a flow. It will then generate an error if the expectation is not met and from there you can set up your flow to send you an email when the flow completes and you'd see your error message there. The tool has 4 different tests and you can build custom expressions within those so you have quite a few ways to test your data.


Check out the tool and the examples provided by Alteryx and see if it may help you.

