London, UK

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The London User Group Weekly Challenge

12 - Quasar

This is a challenge for the London User Group to see who can complete the most 2020 weekly challenges.


  • This is for London User Group members only.
  • Only challenges published after 1 Jan 2020 count for the leaderboard.
  • You need to publish your results to the Weekly challenge

To enter your name sign up to this form:



Check out the current Leaderboard


If you have any comments or feedback (like you want some other details in the leaderboard) put them in the comments below.



12 - Quasar

A static Leaderboard on the 25th March 2020

LAUG Leaderboard.png

If you want to see how the workflow was created check out the workflow on the gallery. Huge thanks to Jonathan Sherman who created the original workflow that I updated for our use.