London, UK

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#28th London Alteryx User Group - 17/11/2022 **HYBRID**

Published on ‎09-22-2022 11:45 AM by | Updated on ‎11-17-2022 01:33 AM


It's Christmas, and we're getting in early!

So we don't clash with your company, friends or family events, we are doing our Christmas User Group in November.

Full details of the Agenda will be coming soon, but you can save the date now.



Thursday 17th November 2022

6 - 8 PM (UK)



Event Space - The Forum (FCS5)

30 Fenchurch St, London, United Kingdom, EC3M 3BD


Our hosts for the in-person location need the names of people attending and if there are any dietary requirements.

Please add your name to this google form before the session to guarantee you can access the venue next week. 

Google Forms link:



This will be a simple and fun event for Christmas. If you have one, please bring come in your Christmas jumper :)

- The Alteryx Xmas Quiz (if you want to provide a response for this please do so here:

- 5 Min Tool Mastery - Delivered by Nathan Purvis featuring the Dynamic Select tool.


If you want to speak at a future event, please contact us directly or register here:

As we look to start live user groups again and you'd like to host, please register your interest here:

And finally, if you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve to User Group, then please let us know here:

Event has ended
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Thu, Nov 17, 2022 10:00 AM PST
Thu, Nov 17, 2022 12:00 PM PST
30 Fenchurch St, London EC3M 3BD, United Kingdom
Labels (2)
8 - Asteroid

I am assuming that the form was from the previous meeting and isn't needed (yet) for this one?

Hey Chris,

The link was supposed to be for this signup, but the links got broken.


I have fixed that now and updated the confirmed location.



12 - Quasar

The London User Group came together for a fantastic Early Christmas meeting. 

Our meeting focused on our community and coming together.




@DataNath started our meeting with a mastery session of the Dynamic Select tool.

The developer tools are often misunderstood in the community, and @DataNath introduced some great uses of the tool and expanded our capability with this underused tool.




The rest of our meeting was spent having fun with the Pointless Alteryx Quiz, testing the crowd's knowledge on topics like the Alteryx community, tool icon matching and tool missing letters.


Thanks to all who attended. It was fantastic to see everyone in person again.


Also, thank you to @laura_scavino and @carl_bradbrook for hosting.


Thanks from the LAUG Team

Paul Houghton

8 - Asteroid

Sorry just been pointed towards this, i was in london yesterday, sadly i wont make it tonight.  But i have the invite on my phone i will try and join for the later half of the meeting tonight  (vets visit first)

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Great User Group Meeting! Thanks for sharing @paul_houghton

Steph Vitale-Havreng