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#27th London Alteryx User Group - 07/09/2022 **HYBRID**

Published on ‎07-30-2022 01:37 PM by | Updated on ‎09-13-2022 12:08 PM


For the first time in two and a half years, the London User Group will meet in person. Thanks to our friends at PWC, we will be meeting again for our first hybrid event ever.



Our hosts for the in-person location need the names of people attending and if there are any dietary requirements. Please add your name to this google form before the session to guarantee you can access the venue next week. 

Google Forms link:


**UPDATE 2**

Virtual attendees can join the zoom meeting from this link. Full meeting details have been appended to the bottom of the event



Wednesday 7th September 2022

6 - 8 PM (UK)



7 More London, London, SE1 2RT
Seminar Suite 3



  • 6pm - Introductions & Welcome

  • 6.20 - Getting started with Designer Cloud power by Trifacta

  • 7.15 - How to build your own internal community


Thanks to our speakers

  • Chris Goodman, Alteryx Ace

  • David Helton & Adam Wilson from Alteryx


This event will be the last managed on All future meetups will be managed on the Alteryx Community Events pages. Please join the London User Group page here:


If you want to speak at a future event, please contact us directly or register here:


As we look to start live user groups again and you'd like to host, please register your interest here:


And finally, if you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve to User Group, then please let us know here:


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 212 3639 3684
Passcode: UserGroup2
One tap mobile
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        +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
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Meeting ID: 212 3639 3684
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Featured Guests
14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Event has ended
You can no longer attend this event.

Wed, Sep 7, 2022 10:00 AM PDT
Wed, Sep 7, 2022 12:00 PM PDT
7 More London Riverside, More London Riverside, London, UK
Labels (2)
8 - Asteroid

It looks as though the registration link is for the previous meeting rather than the next one?



Hey Chris, yes, that is a copy/paste error. you register on this page and I have deleted that section from the post

Do we need to register whether we are attending in person or virtually?

You need to register for the in-person. Virtual Attendance registration is optional (there will be a virtual link shared later)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Just signed up - looking forward to attending my first User Group and meeting as many people as possible in-person!

8 - Asteroid

I signed up a while back, only went to see where the location was yesterday and filled out the google sheet.  I have come into the city today and looking forward to seeing you all in person.

7 - Meteor

@iamdata unfortunately i will not be able to make it today due to an emergency - so if there is not enough spots or anything like that, feel free to mention you are taking my spot (if that is even possible) 

8 - Asteroid

It was a pleasure to meet everyone at PwC! I wanted to ask was the session recorded?

12 - Quasar



Thank you to everyone who attended our first in-person meeting in nearly 3 years. It was great to see everyone again and look forward to future meetings.


It was an interesting experiment hosting a hybrid event which went well in addition to the approximately 35 people attending in person and 15 joining online.


Adam and Sean joining on streamAdam and Sean joining on stream



We heard from Adam Wilson and Sean Kandel, who showed us around Designer Cloud powered by Trifacta. Seeing how the existing Trifacta product works, great ideas on where to apply and use Trifacta in our current projects. Adam also shared insights on how Trifacta and Alteryx will integrate together, creating a better cloud offering for all users.



After a short break, Chris Goodman (@) provided an interesting repeat of his Inspire on building a Community of Practice. He highlighted that a Community of Practice is more than a Group of Interested Users (CoI) but doesn’t provide the delivery function of a centre of excellence (COE). It provides support and ideas for all participants to achieve their goals and improve as a collective.



Chris delivering in personChris delivering in person


The slides from Chris’s presentation are attached, and the recording of the meet-up is below (there maybe a delay in uploading). 


Our next meeting will be a Christmas-themed event, and we will continue the hybrid structure. Once we confirm the planning details, we will make an announcement here on the community events pages.


Thanks everyone

The Leadership team

Thanks Paul - this is really useful. Do you have any recording of the zoom call? Sean's presentation on Trifacta was really interesting.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @anayet1988. We are about to upload the recording on this thread. Stay tuned! 😉

Flávia Brancato

Thanks Paul for sharing. 


As I mentioned, here is a blog post which explains the different ways of tracking desktop usage: 

In addition how to record the phone home data if you have a server is outlined in the attached presentation which was from the May 2019 user group.
Check out my collaboration with fellow ACE Joshua Burkhow at

It should be getting uploaded by the Alteryx community teams. I'm not able to upload files of this size

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for sharing @paul_houghton!

Steph Vitale-Havreng