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Q4 2020 Leeds User Group Recap

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone, hope you're having a great Christmas break!


Firstly, a big thank you to all our attendees for joining us on the Q4 meeting.  Good to see we had some familiar names and also some newcomers joining in the fun.  For those who couldn't make it, here's a quick recap of the session.



We kicked off with the news that a Leeds User Group leader position is currently available, so get in touch with us if you'd like to find out more about the role.  Details of Leader roles can been accessed here.


Use Case 1 - Gwilym Lockwood @Gwilym,Asda.

After a brief explanation of how Market Basket Analysis works using his corner shop example, Gwilym went on to share how he used this method when building and Alteryx workflow to figure out how likely 2 or more words occur together within a censored document compared to them occurring independently.  His workflow utilises the Market Basket Analysis tool with the page numbers for the transaction key and censored word IDs as the item identifier values, it then sorts the results by lift using the Market Basket Inspect tool to show the word that occur together most.  After a bit of data cleansing and re-joining the Left Hand Side words with the Right Hand Side words, he arrived at a list of LHS/RHS pairs and all locations that they appear in.  These were then summarised in to a single row for each word pair with concatenated list of locations for each and the lift rate, leaving only the guessing of the likely censored words based upon the clues the analysis provided.


Alteryx news - here are the links that we mentioned from the section:


Use Case 2 - Liam Spencer @Wilhelmsbrick and Mustafa Nofal @Mustafa1, Asda.

Things started off well with an overview of the use case - using spatial tools to build store maps, but Liam had a few technical issues partway through due to bandwidth and unfortunately he had to end his presentation early.  We will be planning this in to the next session instead, so watch this space for upcoming dates as we move in to 2021.


We're always looking for speakers who'd like to share their use cases, so if this is something you'd like to do, please get in touch with either of the group leaders directly.


Thanks again to our fantastic presenters and to all who attended and asked questions.  We look forward to welcoming you back next time!


Until then, have a great New Year!
