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Leeds, UK

Q1 Meeting recap and Q2 news

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


And thanks to those that were able to make the session. It was made by the fantastic content provided by the speakers followed by insightful questions. As a result we would like to keep the momentum going.




- We learned about AB testing from Liam (Asda) who gave a great talk on the background of what, why and how to use AB tools in Alteryx and placed this in to context within Asda.

- We also heard from Sam and Si (Hermes) who gave two great business case examples of how they use Alteryx, what was really interesting was how they were able to combine, in isolation relatively simple tools, to make large scale workflows capable of handling massive amounts of data.

- Finally, we learnt about some of the new and exciting new features of Alteryx version 2019.2 and were able to ask many questions due to having David and Jordan (Alteryx) in the room.


It was a great session, very relaxed but insightful.


These sessions are a great opportunity to meet other users, with different business cases, from around Leeds to learn and share experiences as well as network.


As a result we would like to call for more speakers in the next session: you can present a business case, demo a workflow or even discuss a problem with the group and utilise the collective experience. If you would like to present (it is very casual) please get in touch (


The next session will be taking place on the 13th of June in Asda again - details to be confirmed nearer the time.