Inspire 2018 | Buzz

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Alteryx BUILD Details

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Alteryx BUILD is our inaugural day-long hackathon. Spend the Monday of Inspire working by yourself or with a team on a project that leverages the Alteryx code free and code friendly platform. You'll have the opportunity to treat the day as a learning experience by collaborating with Alteryx developers and experts to bring your project vision to life. You will also get the chance to compete for prizes by submitting your project to judges at the end of the day on Monday. You choose your project — for example:

  • Create a data science tool by building an R-based macro
  • Build a connector to a web API with the Download tool or use one of our SDKs, like Python and HTML
  • Embed Alteryx analytics into an app by leveraging the Server API

BUILD is free to attend - you may add this as a selection when registering for Inspire 2018.


If you're looking for a project idea or for a team to join, check out our team building exchange. The maximum team size is 5.


Finally, if you're struggling to come up with a project idea, we will be providing one that supports an Alteryx for Good cause. Check back here for updates. And feel free to post questions or comments below.

11 - Bolide

Super Excited about this!


@NeilR - I posted an idea relating to your example suggestion "Embed Alteryx analytics into an app by leveraging the Server API".  Would we have access (at least temporarily) to a public Gallery of some sort?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Coxta45 I'm thinking that providing a temporary Server license so that you can run it locally on your laptop might be the way to go so that you don't have to rely on internet during the event. What do you think?

11 - Bolide

Sounds good!

13 - Pulsar

I'm searching for an Alteryx for Good organisation in Australia to find a project I can bring, but I'm happy to work on anything internationally if that helps :)


Regardless, I'll be there and eager to help with anything :)

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Dev Resources Roundup


With Alteryx BUILD around the corner, we've got you covered with the material you need to succeed! Besides, of course, developer help for the official docs and Dev Space for discussions - both one click away from, where else can you get information?





Whether you decide to treat the day as a data challenge and mine some data for new insight, or you treat the day as a hackathon and build a new tool or app, you'll likely need data.


The Alteryx community has been amassing a list of free data available online since 2015 and it's still active!    

Available "Big data sets" over the internet...


And here's a similarly themed KB article:

Available "Big Data Sets" on the Web


Data Science


Is Alteryx Designer missing your favorite ML algorithm? Add it yourself by creating an R-based macro:

Guide to Creating Your Own R-Based Macro Series


Prefer Python? Check out the brand new Python SDK. A couple recent blog posts should help you get started:

Levelling Up: A Beginner’s Guide to the Python SDK in Alteryx

Text Analysis in Alteryx with the Python SDK: Gender Classification




Need to connect to an obscure data source? Build your own connector! Start with the gentle introduction then move on to the comprehensive series:

REST API In 5 Minutes-No Coding

Guide to Creating Your Own Connector Series


Take it to the next level by slapping an interactive interface on top:

Building an HTML Macro


APIs and SDKs


Want to leverage Alteryx APIs and SDKs to create a new tool or analytic web app but don't know where to start? Check out these excellent roundups from @RithiS and @jdunkerley79:

Overview of Alteryx Developer Platform

Beyond Alteryx Macros – The Alteryx SDK and API Landscape


And a couple more recent posts that didn't make it into those roundups:

Authentication with the HTML GUI SDK

JSON Build Tool

Browse the rest of dev-themed blog posts here. Did I miss something? Post it in the thread below...