Indianapolis, IN

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Indy AUG 2018 Q4 ***meeting recap***

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thanks to everyone who came out for the meeting at CNO! Here's a quick recap:

  • Alteryx Jeopardy

    • Kenda did her best Alex Trebek and successfully lead the fun quiz. We split up into 4 groups and everyone was able to answer each question. The excel file "Question List KB EDITS.xlsx" in the attached zip contains the questions and answers. While @jarrod is still contesting one of the answers, he was able to lead Team 1 to a big victory. The winners took home some Alteryx swag:
    • large_A
  • 3:00-3:20 | CNO use case presentation

    • Brad did a great presentation on how CNO is using Alteryx. He then turned the tables and got some good conversations going with audience about how they're leveraging Alteryx.
  • 3:20-3:45 | Tools in depth - In/Out

    • The User Group Leaders ( @Kenda@jarrod@DultonM  and @patrick_digan) did a deep dive into the In/Out tool category and showed various tips and tricks for each tool. The attached zip file contains the workflows that were presented

See everybody in March! We'll put a post on the community when we get a final date.