Houston, TX

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2019 Q2 Meeting Recap

7 - Meteor

Good Day Houston Alteryx UG Members!


Sorry for posting the recap a bit late…we really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our Q2 User Group meeting on May 17th!  It was our largest turnout for a User Group meeting yet!!!


Additional thanks to our talented speakers, Hayden Messamore (@hlmess) from Capitalize Analytics and Quang Nguyen ( from DCP Midstream. 


Meeting Recap

Felix Gonzalez from Shell Oil covered some scenarios using the “Tool of the Day.”


Hayden discussed how he used RPA and Alteryx together to automate and significantly reduce the time it took to run a process for one of his clients.



And Quang showed how he used Alteryx to automatically integrate multiple data sources, determine target fill levels within SCADA and eliminate the need for manual adjustments for operations resources, thereby saving time.




Special thanks to Chris Fink ( from SM Energy for providing an amazing space for us to hold the meeting!


Our next User Group meeting is tentatively scheduled for the mid-August time frame.  Once we determine a specific date we’ll post it in the community.


The Houston User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests you, please reply back to this thread.


Remember, the Houston Alteryx User Group is your user group..let it work for you!  Let us know the topics you'd be interested in and what you are looking forward to most from this user group and we’ll try to accommodate your requests in future User Group meetings.



The Houston Alteryx User Group leaders

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Great recap @FelixG ! :) Super excited for the next Houston meeting in August!!!


-- Cat Martinez