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Guest Speaker Request - Denver 6/21

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello everyone,


One of our academic professors reached out - please see details below and reach out to me directly if you're interested -




I am an accounting faculty member at the University of Maryland. I am organizing a pre-conference workshop for Accounting Information Systems educators in Denver on Thursday, June 21, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM on behalf of the AIS Educator Association. The pre-conference workshop theme is Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics. We would like to have Alteryx do maybe a 1 hour presentation on your product and discuss your academic licenses. Is there someone that could do such a presentation?


I am just reaching out now, but I would like to have presentations by KPMG,  IBM Watson,  and Miklos Vasarhelyi, the KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems and Director of Rutgers Accounting Research Center and Continuous Auditing & Reporting Lab.


The audience will be accounting and information systems educators primarily in the United States. Attendance should be around forty to 50 educators. As part of the pre-conference workshop AND the main conference, we will have laptop computers available where your software can be pre-installed for the actual workshops. Often, we have found it better to use the locally installed software rather than relying on hotel wi-fi for cloud applications. We could load applications that you might want to demonstrate.