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Grand Prix Winners Party 9/29: Rockies Game - Please RSVP!

7 - Meteor

As mentioned in the last User Group meeting, Cady, Alexandra and Garrett won $2k to go towards a "Grand Prix winners party"!  With that, we are hope to get everyone together for the 2nd to last Rockies game of the (regular) season on Friday September 29th against the LA Dodgers.  Opening pitch is 6:10pm, and there will be fireworks after the game.


Please post an RSVP here if you are interested, so that we get a count of how many tickets we need to get together.


More information to follow...

10 - Fireball

Yes, count me in.  But on Friday September the 29th!

7 - Meteor

thanks for the correction!  sorry for the confusion..

7 - Meteor

Hi All- sorry for the confusion on dates....   Please note: this should have been posted as "9/29" not "9/30", not sure i can change the topic, so we'll see who else catches my difficulty with the calendar.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi there, @DMM! I've edited the post. Thanks for providing outreach!

Tatiana Servin
Content Marketing
11 - Bolide

Are you getting normal seat tickets or any of the terrace/loft area?

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi Anthony, the seats are in section 203 which is right below the terrace/bar area. We thought it would be good to allow people to mingle at the bar area. Hopefully we will see you there! Eventbrite link will be posted soon for RSVP!

