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Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX

Welcome to the Dallas-Ft. Worth User Group

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Save the Date for the March DFW Alteryx User Group Meeting, Friday 3/31!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, Alteryxians!  Please save the date for the next Dallas / Fort Worth Alteryx User Group meeting, which will be Friday, March 31st, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Central time!  With our February meeting having been hosted onsite at UT Dallas (special thanks to UTD for hosting us in their awesome Davidson Auditorium), our next meeting will be virtual and hosted on Zoom.  (Plans for a potential in-person meeting and member event for April are in the works, and we will keep you posted!)


We will have an exciting presentation by Capitalize Consulting, and additional presenters will be announced soon!  The Zoom meeting invitation will be provided in the near future through the Events tab on our Community page at DFW Alteryx User Group March 2023 Virtual Meeting! - Alteryx Community


To RSVP, please click "Yes" on the "Will you be attending?" section on the Events page link above.


Thanks again, and we are looking forward to seeing you soon at the virtual meeting, where you can network, learn, and add to your Alteryx skills!


@Deanna and the DFW Alteryx User Group Leadership Team

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, user group members!  Please join us for our upcoming virtual user group meeting this Friday, March 31st, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. CT where we will have some exciting and informative presentations:


Jessi Arthur, Senior Analyst at Capitalize Consulting, will feature a cool presentation called "Transform PDFs into usable data with Alteryx Intelligence Suite"!  It’s often a manual and time-consuming process to extract data from PDFs, or it requires advanced programming knowledge to use tools like Python to do the extraction for you.  With Alteryx Intelligence Suite, you can now automate the process of extracting usable data from your PDFs with just a few tools.


Jessi's workflow will demo extracts of balance sheet data from 10-Q filings (extremely large PDF files) and use the information to run liquidity tests.  If you have ever wondered how to use these tools in Alteryx, this presentation will show you how!  For more information on Capitalize Consulting, and their extensive expertise in Alteryx (and more platforms), please visit Capitalize: Management and Data Analytics Consulting Company (


For our second presentation, Alteryx staff will showcase the amazing new Designer Cloud platform and its many capabilities.  You may have seen a glimpse of this at the Inspire conference or various presentations, or you may already have access and are exploring the innovative features!  To learn more about the Alteryx Analytics Cloud platforms and to request access, please visit this link on the main Alteryx website:  Alteryx Analytics Cloud Platform | Alteryx


To RSVP and join the virtual meeting, please see our Events calendar page at DFW Alteryx User Group March 2023 Virtual Meeting! - Alteryx Community .  The Zoom meeting link is available in the event page, and the passcode will be sent to you upon RSVPing.


Thanks again for being a member of our DFW Alteryx User Group - the largest user group in North America!   :)


@Deanna and the DFW Alteryx User Group Leadership Team


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi, everyone!  Thanks again to those who were able to join our March Dallas / Fort Worth Alteryx User Group meeting; we had some amazing presenters, and it was a privilege to see such great presentations on PDF import and transformations, as well as the very cool Alteryx Designer Cloud platform!


Special thanks to Jessi Arthur, Senior Analyst at Capitalize Consulting, for sharing her extensive expertise in Alteryx along with her presentation "Transform PDFs into useable data with Alteryx Intelligence Suite".  It was highly impressive to watch how PDFs can be imported easily into Alteryx and converted into text, becoming data that can be quickly analyzed.  Thanks also to Eryn McMorrow, Sales Executive, for presenting an excellent overview of Capitalize Consulting and all the many capabilities they have to offer.  For more information about Capitalize Consulting, please visit Capitalize: Management and Data Analytics Consulting Company (


We are grateful to David Martin of the Alteryx Cloud Team for showcasing the awesome Alteryx Designer Cloud platform as our second presentation!  David expertly provided a deep dive into the innovative cloud product, and our user group members were inspired by the ease of use and wealth of options.  (I personally love the "brushing" technique to quickly format data.)  Thanks, David, for answering all of our questions and guiding us through the product!  To learn more about Alteryx Designer Cloud and the other cloud products available, please see Alteryx Designer Cloud Demo and Product Tour | Alteryx .


We were able to record David's session on Alteryx Designer Cloud, and please use the following link to access the recording:
Passcode: sN4+q*!D


(Apologies to Jessi for not being able to record her session; we were using a new Zoom setup for user groups, and we needed to work through some hosting issues at the start of the meeting.  Jessi, we welcome you back for future presentations, and we should be able to record your presentation next time!)


Thanks to all of our user group members for making the DFW Alteryx User Group the largest in North America!  We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting soon!


@Deanna  and the DFW Alteryx User Group Leadership Team

