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Copenhagen, DK

Welcome to the Copenhagen User Group

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Your chance to be featured at Inspire 2017

9 - Comet

Would you like to be featured at the solutions centre at Inspire 2017?    Submit a quote based on one of the prompts below or a narrative similar and/or attach your favorite photo from a user group meeting.


Find details here

9 - Comet

Hi Kirstin,

seems the link points to a page I do not have access to :-)



Best regards,



9 - Comet

Thanks for the head's up!


I've attached the text here:


We are offering a chance to be featured at Inspire in the Solutions Center. We are looking for quotes from some of our leaders to showcase as part of the branding for the Community Hub at Inspire. Interested in participating? Submit a quote based on one of the prompts below or a narrative similar and/or attach your favorite photo from a user group meeting.


  • What do you like best about leading an Alteryx User Group?
  • What do you like best about attending an Alteryx User Group?
  • How has participating in an Alteryx User Group enhanced your Alteryx skills?
  • What can you expect when attending an Alteryx User Group meeting?
  • What makes an Alteryx User Group an iconic experience?
  • In three words, how would you describe an Alteryx User Group?
  • In three words, how would you describe being an Alteryx User Group Leader?
  • Other icon-inspired thoughts