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Glad to meet all of you who were in attendance at our Q2 2018 Cleveland-Akron Alteryx User Group! We had 17 attendees from a diverse mix of Northeast Ohio companies.
A big thank you to Erol Aspromatis and the team at Key Bank for hosting our meeting!
If you missed it, we had a meeting ALL ABOUT MACROS.
Ian Reed led off with a discussion of how and why to create a macro library. Ensuring consistency in data across many people is key. He noted while macros may seem intimidating, they are really no more challenging than a regular workflow. He estimated that he's built as many as 50 macros in the past year. Thank you Ian for your insight!
I demonstrated a few very simple standard, batch, and iterative macros. What we've found is sometimes people don't know what is possible in Alteryx until they see it in action. I'm guessing there are a few uses for iterative macros that will come up in the next few weeks for our attendees.
Greg Persons, thank you for grabbing attendance and making sure each attendee received a periodic table of Alteryx tools.
We will have our next meeting in Q3 - likely early September. In the meantime we have been invited to a picnic with the Cleveland Tableau User Group. I'll followup in a separate post.
Q2 Cleveland-Akron Alteryx User Group
It was a great meeting. I did my first macro last week with the help of Ian Reed and this meeting was great timing. Now I have some more to build out on my own. These meetings are very helpful.
Thank you for sharing the recap @ggruccio! We here at Alteryx love seeing snapshots of the collaboration, and hearing about the success of our local User Group meetings! Hopefully I'll get to meet you all in person at Inspire! :)