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Cleveland-Akron, OH

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Alteryx Conference

7 - Meteor

Hi Everyone,

I am attending the Alteryx Conference next week in Anaheim. Unfortunately, I am the only one going from my company. Is anyone else going to be in attendance? I would love to meet up with some friendly Cleveland faces while there.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @britknip,


Both Cleveland-Akron User Group Leaders: @ggruccio and @kgalbert will be at Inspire! :) I'd suggest attending the User Group session: For the Users, By the Users on Tuesday, from 3:15pm - 5pm, in room 261. There will be a ton of UG members/leaders, a panel discussion, a UG meeting: including a real life challenge to solve. 



Bonus: exclusive swag to snag!


Hope to see you there :)



Tuvy Le
Manager, Community ACE Program
8 - Asteroid

Myself and a few others from the User Group will be attending as well! There is a great networking tool in the Alteryx Inspire app. I definitely recommend downloading it if you have not already. Feel free to reach out to myself, @ggruccio and/or @kgalber. Looking forward to the conference!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi @britknip.  I'll be volunteering Monday June 4 at the Community Hub from 5-6 if you want to drop by!  Would love to chat!  

That goes for anyone else from Cleveland-Akron User Group who will be there. 


I think there is an event that night where we are encouraged to wear our Cavs gear so we may not be hard to spot!


7 - Meteor

Sounds good, @ggruccio I'll be sure to stop by. Thanks!

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the tip @IJReed I downloaded the app and will check it out!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus
Enjoyed connecting with everyone out at Inspire! It was the best Inspire conference yet! I think there were 15 from the Cleveland area. Already excited about next year in Nashville (week of June 10-14) at the Gaylord Opryland.