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Hi Meghna
it usually happens within a couple of hours, though am upper limit of 48 hours is taken as a norm. You receive an email from credly and you need to accept the badge and only then it wold become available. See if you received any email from credly ( check your spam) and/ or check your credly account for notifications asking you to accept the badge.
Hope this helps
Hi @mebhagat,
Did you get your Alteryx Designer Core certification badge on your Credly account? Otherwise, you can write to
Thank you and have a very nice day,
Hello everyone
On 29th May, 2023(Monday), I wrote Alteryx Foundation Micro-Credential exam and I have successfully cleared the exam. I can't see my Alteryx Foundation Micro-Credential badge on my credly account till now. Can anyone please help me out with this and let me know how much time it will take to reflect my badge on credly account as it's already been 48hrs?
hi @Shruti06. Congratulations on your Alteryx Foundation Micro-Credential certification! I recommend reaching out to
Hi Flávia Brancato,
I received my badge on Credly.
Thank you,
@Shruti06, fantastic! 🙌
Hello everyone
On 10th oct, 2023(Tuesday), I wrote Alteryx Designer Core Data Transformation exam and I have successfully cleared the exam. I can't see my Alteryx Designer Core Data Transformation badge on my credly account till now. Can anyone please help me out with this and let me know how much time it will take to reflect my badge on credly account?
I have successfully completed Alteryx Designer Core Certificate on 7th Jan,2024. As per email communication, it was mentioned that I would receive a badge within 48 hours but I havent received any yet.
Could someone let me know where can I download my certificate or receive the badge.
Appreciate your response.
Hello, I have the same problem I have completed my exam on 11th February. Can someone please help me out
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