Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

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Workflow with VBScript is not working in Alteryx Server




The run command from either the event or the tool used to run an external script (VBScript) that contains the code to access the Excel object does not execute successfully on Alteryx Server. The job exits with a timeout error.


Error running Event #1: The external program <EXTERNAL_PROGAM> timed out after <TIME> ms


Configuration Example:



Script example:



Option Explicit

Dim objExcel
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Set objExcel = Nothing





  • Alteryx Server




To diagnose the actual cause of the issue, add debugging statements in the script to find where the code may be breaking on the server. Suggested code:



Option Explicit
Dim objFileToWrite
Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("C:\temp\debug.txt",2,true)
objFileToWrite.WriteLine("Starting log")

Dim objExcel
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objFileToWrite.WriteLine("After Object Instantiation")	





The solution will depend on the cause of the issue.


In general, when a COM object is used, do ensure that the account that runs the workflow on the server has the necessary permission to launch and activate the COM object. If the debug statement does not go past the COM instantiation, it is likely that this is a permission issue. In this case, check the Windows System Event log for the actual error. Please refer to the "Additional Resources" section to enable the COM object on the server.



Additional Resources