Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.

How to tell if your workflow has been uploaded to the gallery and by who



How do I differentiate between workflows which are not uploaded to gallery and those that are present in the gallery?

How can I know which user uploaded or Scheduled the workflow from the long id field?


More often we are seeing this question get asked and although is a simple answer is not apparent to users how simple it is to find the answer.

Open Designer and go to Options > View Schedules


If the field contains the long number which is the mongo_id then it means it’s on the Gallery. Otherwise if it has your name it’s not.

Furthermore you may want to know which user the mongo_id corresponds to. If so you have the option to connect to Mongo from the Designer:

Connect to Mongo using the MongoDB Input Tool. You will need your Alteryx System Settings to do so:


Further to the Server name, user and Password you will also need to connect to the AlteryxGallery database and Users Collection:


Make sure to Include Mongo_id Field from the Connection options.

Using the Select Tool you may modify your results to remove unnecessary fields for Analysis. The _id field reflects the Mongo_id column from the "Uploaded By" column from the View Schedules windows on Designer.


Simples!Smiley Tongue

8 - Asteroid

@ChristianR Is there a Collection within the AlteryxGallery db that will pull the Workflow Name when the user runs it in the gallery?


Hi @wildflower


The best place to find this information will be from the Alteryx Gallery logs located by default under C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Gallery\Logs as a lot of the information on the MongoDB is encrypted. 


Also, within the AlteryxGallery database you can use the "appInfos" collection which contains information on all workflows available within the Gallery.

Additionally, you may also use the "AlteryxService" database, here you can use the "AS_Results" collection which contains information on results of jobs executed within the service layer.


And, finally my recommendation will be to make use of our Server Usage Report  which contains information on Server user access, content, schedules, and job analysis presented in a set of Tableau dashboards, or PDF and Excel files.


I hope that helps.