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How To : Query MongoDB efficiently


How To: Query MongoDB efficiently


Looking for specific elements in MongoDB can sometimes be challenging.

This article provides a few commands to retrieve data (and look like a pro especially during a call with a customer).




  • Alteryx Server
    • The server is up and running
    • Access to the Alteryx System Settings to retrieve the Non-Admin password for MongoDB
    • Minimal knowledge of the MongoDB structure
  • Command Prompt/cmd.exe with Administrator rights
  • Robo3T (Optional - for those who prefer a visual explorer for MongoDB)


Useful queries


Composition of a MongoDB query :


a. Retrieving an object in a collection, knowing its Id


Example : Find a workflow in the AlteryxGallery database (appInfos collection)


Version 1 :

db.getCollection('appInfos').find({"_id" : ObjectId("5cc30b2a18e70c230c2b5e9f")})


Version 2 :




b. Retrieving an object in a collection, using any other field


Example 1:Find users in the AlteryxGallery database by first name (users collection)


db.getCollection('users').find({"FirstName" : "Paul"})


Example 2:Find a user in the AlteryxGallery database by email address (users collection)



db.getCollection('users').find({"Email" : ""})



c. Perform a logical 'AND' to search using multiple criteria


Example:Find a user in the AlteryxGallery database based on their first name and last name (users collection)


db.getCollection('users').find({$and: [{"FirstName" : "Jane"}, {"LastName" : "Doe"}]})


d. Perform a logical 'OR' to search using multiple criteria


Example:For Windows Auth only - Make sure users information have been retrieved from Windows AD (windowsIdentityscollection)


db.getCollection('windowsIdentitys').find({$or: [{"Name" : "SRC\\sfraticelli"}, {"Name" : "SRC\\jdowe"}]})

* the '\' has to be added twice to be escaped


e. Retrieving the object added last in a collection



Example:Find the last added object in the AlteryxGallery database (versionscollection)


f. Query based on a relative date (objects created in the last X days, as an example)**

This queries the selected Collection relative to a date in milliseconds - you can see this is taking 30 days and converting it into milliseconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
You can enter any equation that results in milliseconds.
**This query can only be performed against "true" datetime/date type fields. Currently, the AlteryxGallery and AlteryxGallery_Lucene databases have datetime values. AlteryxService database stores all dates as String types, so this query will not work.

db.getCollection('sessions').find({ "CreationDate": {  $gt: new Date(new Date() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) } })

Example: Find the sessions created in the last 30 days.


BONUS - Text Matching — Contains, Starts / Ends With — Regular Expression


Example 1: Find a collection in the AlteryxGallery database whose name contains "test" (collections collection)


db.getCollection('collections').find({"Name" : /test/})


Example 2:Find a collection in the AlteryxGallery database whose name starts with "test" (collections collection)


db.getCollection('collections').find({"Name" : /^test/})


Example 3: Find a collection in the AlteryxGallery database whose name ends with "test" (collectionscollection)


db.getCollection('collections').find({"Name" : /test$/})



Additional Resources



Fun Fact


  • Orcas (formerly known as killer whales), are actually dolphins - source
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Don't forget $in

as shown about half-way down on this page.

Finding multiple by Id.
Find 1:
Find 2:
db.getCollection('appInfos').find({$or: [{"_id":ObjectId("6053a66b28a5cf09dc0928d8")},{"_id":ObjectId("6061d34a28a5cf35ac5f24d7")}]})
Find 3:
db.getCollection('appInfos').find({$or: [{"_id":ObjectId("6053a66b28a5cf09dc0928d8")},{"_id":ObjectId("6061d34a28a5cf35ac5f24d7")},{"_id":ObjectId("60d5fca428a5cf46987fe669")}]})