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Error: Owner of this workflow requires that you specify credentials that this workflow should run as.




Unable to run workflow on Server/Gallery due to administrative restriction. Server Administrator would need to make the appropriate edits to the user's permissions in the Server.  

The owner of this workflow has required that you specify the credentials that this workflow should run as. 

Environment Details

  • Alteryx Server
    • All Versions


User's profile has been configured to be required as Run As to run workflows in the server and current configuration does not match the requirement set in Gallery.

Solution A 

Edit the local group policy on the machine to give the Run As user account permission to log on as a batch job.
  1. Select Start on the Windows taskbar.
  2. In Search, enter gpedit.msc or local group policy.
  3. In the Local Group Policy Editor window, select Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
  4. Select Log on as a batch job.
  5. In Log on as a batch job Properties, select Add User or Group.
  6. Complete the required information to add the user or group.
  7. Select OK and Apply.
  8. Then, set permissions on each of the folders requiring Run As user permissions. Go to Required Run As User Permissions.

  9. Right-click the folder for which you want to set permissions and select Properties.
  10. Select the Security tab and select Edit.
  11. In Group or user names, select the name of the user you want to grant permissions to or select Add to add a user that doesn't appear in the list.
  12. In Permissions for Run As User, select the required Run As permissions for the user.
  13. Select Add after selecting all required permissions.
  14. Select Apply.
  15. Complete these steps on each worker machine for each of the user accounts you want to add as a Run As user.

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