Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

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Error Upon Publishing Datasets of Data Packages to Gallery



Upon publishing a workflow containing datasets from the CASS and Insights data packages the following errors are returned:

CASS datasets:
CASS: CASS data sets cannot be shared in the Public Gallery.

Insights datasets:  
The "XXXXX" Dataset cannot be shared in the Public Gallery.

Environment Details

  • Alteryx Designer
  • Alteryx Server
  • CASS Data Package
  • Insights Data Package


When a workflow containing a data package dataset is published to the Gallery, including private galleries, the private data workflow setting is automatically set to Yes.


The workflow is still published to the Gallery and can be successfully executed from the published location.

To further share the workflow, Gallery administrators can view and update the setting by accessing the workflow from the Admin interface and configuring the Private Data Exemption option to Yes.

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