Alteryx Server Ideas

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Hi Team,


We have new idea which we dint find on Alteryx community, also Alteryx expert confirmed for now this is not possible.


Please find the below details:


Use Case: Automating Onboarding Process for collection creation.


Idea: Currently we are doing this onboarding manually, such as user fills up the form in Sharepoint with all relevant details for Collection Creation.

We as an Alteryx Support team, check the form and create the collection Manually.

We want to create a Workflow, such that it will read the form from SP and create the Collection Automatically without any Manual user intervention.


Benefits: If we Automate this then we can save manual user efforts and also avoid any manual mistakes.


Note: If this can be possible with any other feature of Alteryx like API, then also we are good.





I manage a server with 200 + Artisans. Some of them tend to abuse the Scheduler by having workflows running every hour or every x hours. This can penalize other users creating big queues thought the day. Currently I monitor the queue and schedule often and then contact these individuals to better accommodate their needs.


Having the possibility to disable hourly workflows, or enable to only specific users, would help a lot to deter the abusers.




Mauricio Estevez

It should be possible to trigger the same workflow in different ways from Alteryx Gallery: 

- Workflow chaining: 

      -  Workflow B runs after the successful execution of Workflow A

      -  Workflow B runs after the failure of Workflow A

 - Schedule: Workflow B runs on multiple schedules

- API call (even when it is not an analytical app) 


For example (considering the same workflow): 

- Audit workflow runs every day

- Audit workflow runs every hour during the last day of the month

- Audit workflow runs if triggered by financial close on 3rd party tool 

- Audit workflow runs after the execution of the financial workflow






It would be very useful if Alteryx would allow users to create folders under their Private Gallery. My private gallery is now 3+ pages long & it would be super helpful to be able to organize the workflows into different folders (Archive/Retail/Linear/Fin/etc), allowing for easier housekeeping & tracking. I realize their is collections but I'm not trying to share anything here, just organize my content for easier viewing.


Thank you!

1.JPG   1.JPG  1.JPG

System Administrator should be able to configure portal pages be being able to choose the columns, columns widths, and sort order.  For Example  in the collections view,  there are columns Inight Count, User Count, Studio count which add no value to my user community.  Yet the name column is not wide enought to show the full names. The collect page is sorted by Create Date which does not add value and once you get above 20 collections  


The recommendation would be to allow System Admins to be able to change these settings.  If the definations are stored a json or xml file or some other file that can be edited, allowing for the customizations.  Admins would edit at their own risk working with in parameters and documentation provided. 



When a render tool is run on Designer pointed to a temporary file the log gives you a clickable link to access the output.  When deployed to the Gallery unless you have given it a specific output destination with %temp% in the filename you get... nothing.  


What did I expect?  The pdf or other temp file to render on the screen or at least download for me.  Or give me a dropdown selection of the various files render could create for me.



Currently, we have the functionality to set a recurring schedule with daily frequency with an option to 'Run only during work week (Mon-Fri)' I would like to add this 'Run only during work week (Mon-Fri)' option to the Hourly frequency interface. 




No current option to run on weekdays only:



In Alteryx Gallery admin, please add a confirmation before applying a change to the default user roles.  Since it can be changed so easily and isn't very clear to what happens when new admins make a change to that drop down.  For example:  They do not realize they changed all the default users to curators!  But they do learn quickly.



John Colgan



With a majority of our Alteryx users working via VPN, our Firewall systems are detecting a brute force attack if a user tries to open another Alteryx tab within 60 seconds.  We would like to request to reduce the amount of authentications attempts on the Alteryx Gallery site when launched, so there isn't 100+ 401 unauthorized errors to trigger the Firewall system to disconnect the session.

The Pop up window for Browser tool currently is working in the App environment but not working in the Gallery environment. It is essential when you want to show user the immediate results. there will be too much efforts for user to see the results if I use output/render tool.

Please add a TAGS filter for workflows filter





I was recently hired by a fortune 500 company to eliminate use of their Access DB's by replacing them with Alteryx solutions.  My first step is to understand the old DB's so I know what type of workflow to build.  I'd love to have an ERD tool built in Alteryx to drop right after the input data tool.  The closest I've found is the Network Analysis tool, but I don't see that giving me the desired output.  


I would like to see how tables are connected, what manipulations are being done, when a query/view/macro was last used, what outputs being delivered. 




Ability to change the default workflow settings when to also include [Others may view this workflow's history] in a similar way to the other attributes in workflow settings that are set by default.  This would prove beneficial for workflows which are shared across a large team and need to be run on a consistent frequency and are not run headless.  The inability to set this by default leaves a risk that the setting remains unchecked and more than one user triggers that workflow in a given month which could result in a material impact if the output of that workflow is posting to another system in the firm.



We have been building a solution for a client that involved chaining apps. When we uploaded the workflow to the server, we got the below error: Workflow exceeded maximum runtime of 30 seconds and was cancelled. We were able to rectify this by having the client implement the change here. While I understand the need for the limit, is there any plan to have this fix be more obvious to the average user to implement or avoid needing to reimplement following a server upgrade?



I Would Like a new Email added under [ Admin -> Notifications -> Emails ] where it would send an Email when a Schedule reaches the status "Complete" 

This can serve a couple of use cases;

  1. You have many things going on and this email can let you know "This schedule has now been completed"  
    1. From my experience we usually schedule things indefinitely, however if an end was put in place this can be a reminder of whether or not to continue scheduling the workflow
  2. It can also notify when a schedule inadvertently reaches "Complete" status, in the backend this could be because it has status "Corrupt: AlteryxService_RetrieveSecureData Failed."
    1. This has caused issues multiple times of schedules that are supposed to be indefinite reach "Complete" Status without our knowing. With many workflows and schedules this is not something we can babysit.
    2. brief research suggests this error could be due to restarting the Alteryx Service during a schedule, which we do weekly for our backup. And trying to coordinate a time when no schedules are running is difficult when something runs every 10 minutes.

When using In-DB with iSeries over Generic ODBC everything works fine in Designer however when executing via Gallery process fails because a semi-colon ";" is added to the SQL statement as a terminator character and iSeries rejects this SQL0104 - Token ; was not valid. Valid Values < END OF STATEMENT > 

We have a MongoDB connection string that we plug in to RuntimeSettings.xml during install.  Upon startup, the Mongo connection fails because RuntimeSettings.xml expects the connecting string to be encrypted.  The fix for this, is for someone to manually update the MongoDB connection via the Alteryx UI.  We would like a way to encrypt the MongoDB connection string for RuntimeSettings.xml before we start Alteryx for the first time.

Hi Alteryx Team,


I understand that the Timeout feature on all Workers is only available for the workflows scheduled on Alteryx Server.


In a heavily used server environment and depending on how workflows are configured, can we have a timeout feature available for non-scheduled workflows (adhoc workflow runs/manually triggered workflow runs) as well on all the Workers on Alteryx Server ?



Thank You,


Nishi Jain

It would be great if we can set the priority of a job when scheduling a workflow through either the Designer UI or through AlteryxService addtoqueue command

In my organization we primarily schedule jobs through these avenues and this would bring them up to par with the scheduling capabilities of Gallery


For example:



^ add an optional parameter that takes enum value {Low, Medium, High, Critical}



Designer UI

Add a dropdown that takes an enum {Low, Medium, High, Critical}





Alteryx Server API should be allowed to publish the workflow in the gallery.